Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 7:

I need to show more appreciation for my husband! When I have a rough day, I always think about how hard it would be to be a single mother. Today, my husband offered to take both kiddos to the store so I could clean... in peace. It was wonderful! To you single mothers, I admire your strength. To my husband, I appreciate you so much! Thank you!

Today we decided to take our walk in the cool of the morning. But by the time we got home, got the stroller out and packed, got shoes on, etc... it was already mid-morning. In other words: It. Was. Hot. Today was the longest walks we've taken thus far, and by the time we got home, I was ready to just take a nap! But a friend is coming to visit on Friday, and since we are watching the boys, I only have their school hours to clean my own house! So once again, I Thank you husband for being a knight in shining armor today! It's soooo much easier to clean without a two-year-old who thinks it's hilarious to stand in front of the vacuum, or an infant who cries the minute you step out of sight! And thank you for not judging me for eating an entire king-sized candy bar tonight! And for holding our whiney, tired child so I could write this blog!

And thank you for the 2700 steps you took with me today.


  1. I love this blog. And I am super sorry that I interrupted you and delayed you from your cleaning spree. I am hanging my head.

    It seems that brad and I are doing our sidewalk talks in the car. I think we've logged 16 hours in the car so far. Most of it talking. Wish I were getting exercise benefits though.

  2. I should have said 16 hours this month. But you know what I meant.

    Love you and the blog and look forward to being closer!!
