Monday, June 7, 2010

F.H.E. Day 23

I am so excited! A while ago, Barry and I made a new resolve to have Family Home Evening every Monday night. We're pretty good about doing it, but tonight was my most excited F.H.E. of all time. We are going to invent: The Ricks Signature Cookie. You know how people have a secret recipe, that they refuse to share because it's an old family secret that has been passed down forever? We are going to invent that! The cookie that we will pass down to all our future generations. THE cookie!

Barry was gone almost all day hanging up posters for a class he will be starting so we decided that we would would count the sidewalk outside of Albertsons as our new place. We spent almost an hour, perusing the store, for ideas for our Cookie! We came home with TONS of stuff and tomorrow morning we are going to have a baking marathon that would impress even Betty Crocker!!! I am so excited! 

(And it may seem like a lame excuse to count the sidewalks outside of grocery stores and things, but the point is,  Barry and I discuss the challenge, and discuss which sidewalk to use, so even the silly minor sidewalks have helped us have discussions and have opened to some fun and interesting conversations. I would say that counts as enriching our marriage one step at a time, right? )

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